Car Set-Up Table

Below is a table showing all of the car set-up cards by attribute and point value.

  -1 0 1 2
Acceleration 20 40 60 80
Deceleration 20 40 60 80
Top Speed 140 160 180 200
Start Speed 20 60 100 120
Wear 5 x laps 6 x laps 7 x laps 8 x laps
Wear (pitting variant) 2 x laps
+5 hard tire bonus
3 x laps
+4 hard tire bonus
4 x laps
+3 hard tire bonus
5 x laps
+2 hard tire bonus
Skill 2 x laps 3 x laps
+1 red skill chip
4 x laps
+2 red skill chips
5 x laps
+3 red skill chips

Lucid Phoenix Games